yellow smiley face

Complaints Policy

JRSY Laser Ltd is committed to providing a high standard of quality services to clients that come into contact with Jersey Laser. Jersey Laser will take seriously any concern or complaint and will look into it promptly for resolution as quickly as possible.

JRSY Laser Ltd recognizes that every client that comes into contact with Jersey Laser have the right to raise concerns or complaints about our services and understand how to voice concerns or complaints.

JRSY Laser’s procedure for raising concerns or complaints is that in the first instance to submit a the complaint or concern in writing to the Clinic Managers:

Patricia Woodward on info@jerseylaser.co.uk or 07700 801000

Roger Woodward on roger@laserplus.co.uk or 07700 891000

We are registered with the Jersey Care Commission and the JOIC.

Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner,
2nd Floor
5 Castle Street
St Helier JE2 3BT

01534 716530


Jersey Care Commission,
1st Floor
Capital House
8 Church Street
St Helier JE2 3NN

01534 445801
